XNUMX Tips XNUMX for FL Studio Beginners to Know

2021 07 18 03x35 42 FL Studio

This is the fourth bullet.

Click here for past articles
(Unexpectedly, I'm collecting tricks that are super convenient)

This time, there are the following five.

-Align MIDI notes to notes of the same pitch with the piano roll.
・ Use ghost notes on the piano roll
-Specify a mixer that sounds a preview or metronome
・ Fixed display of a specific mixer on the left and right
-Load the plug-in with the specified preset loaded

Align MIDI notes to notes of the same pitch with the piano roll

I wanted to do this, but I didn't know how to do it.

I finally understood.

It looks like the following video.


First, select the brush tool.

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And Shift + Alt Hold down and drag.


Use ghost notes on the piano roll

This is a very useful feature, so if you don't know it, remember it.

Watch the video for features.

If it is the same pattern, you can edit other "Channel" MIDI notes (ghost notes).

You can also switch easily.

Enable settings

The method is to enable the function itself first.

Click "View"-> "Enable ghosts" from ▼.

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How to switch

Editing itself is as simple as dragging a gray (other Channel) MIDI note with the mouse.

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When switching to another channelRight click and double click on a gray MIDI noteTo do.

Since it is faster to edit with this method, it is efficient to create multiple Channels with the same pattern at first, and when creating variations, execute "Split by channel" of "Pattern" and work by dividing into different patterns. I think.

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Specify a mixer that sounds a preview or metronome

You can specify the mixer that sounds the preview and metronome.

It is easy to use by adjusting the loudness of the sound.

It is also useful when previewing with effects applied.

Click "OPTIONS"-> "Audio settings" for the setting method.

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You can change it to your favorite mixer track with "Preview mixier track" on the "Audio" tab.

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Fixed display of a specific mixer on the left and right

Only a specific mixer can be fixed to the left and right.

If you set the preview mixer introduced earlier to 100, it is troublesome to display the mixer 100 to set the effect.

Therefore, if you fix the mixer 100 on the right side, you can easily set the effect.

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To do this, select the mixer you want to display on the left or right, right-click and select "Deck to"-> "Right" or "Left".








Using this method, frequently accessed mixers can be displayed on either the left or right side.


Load the plug-in with the specified preset loaded

FL Studio has a Plugin Database as a way to manage plugins.

If you register here, thumbnails will also be displayed, which is convenient.

And when you open the plugin from this Plugin Database, it will be loaded in the state when it was registered.

Therefore, for plugins such as Sylenth 1, which are troublesome to select a bank, if you register the frequently used bank in the Plugin Database from the beginning, the time will be shortened.

Especially when you buy a new preset, you can easily try the preset you bought by registering it in the Plugin Database with the new preset loaded.

The method is simple, and the presets and banks that you want to be loaded the next time you load are loaded.

Here, the presets bought at WA Production are loaded into Serum.

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Then select the folder you want to register in the Plugin Database.

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You can freely create folders.
(There was no problem with the display in Japanese, but it is better to avoid it)

Here, I created a folder called "Testing", so I will put it in this folder.

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Click "Add to plugin database (flag as favorite)" from ▼ on the upper left of the plugin.

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Then, a thumbnail is created in the "Testing" folder.

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After that, I will try to load this thumbnail by dragging and dropping.

It was loaded with the same preset.

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This Plugin Database can be registered with the same plugin as long as the name is not duplicated in the folder.

Therefore, it is possible to register with different banks.

If you don't need the thumbnail display, you can change the name normally.

Please also read the following articles.


The tips system around here accumulates tips that I knew from my eyes and made articles, so I think that other people may also be helpful.

It's a little thing, but it makes a big difference if the number of times overlaps, so I want to remember it properly.


FL Studio
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL