App or Application or Sakurabook App

2022 11 01 05x15 06 App or Application or Sakurabook App

[Free] Introducing AUDIOGRAM, an app from Digitalbrain Instruments that allows you to easily know the audible range

Introduction of Digitalbrain Instruments' AUDIOGRAM, an application that allows you to easily know the audible range Today, I would like to introduce you to DigitalbrainInstruments' AUDIOGRAM, an application that allows you to know the audible range.Actually, I was planning...
2022 10 06 01x39 23 App or Application or Sakurabook App

[Free] Introduction of Akaizer that reproduces the time stretch of Akai's S950 etc. (Win only)

Introducing Akaizer, which reproduces the time stretch of Akai's S950, etc. When I introduced PitchNasty the other day, Chris mentioned the word Akaizer, so I looked it up. Time-stretching, pitch-shifting of Akai's old sampler called Akaizer...