How to use FL Studio How to make a multi-band transient shaper using Patcher

2021 06 24 02x38 27 FL Studio

How to use FL Studio How to make a multi-band transient shaper using Patcher

Oh, the reservation setting was wrong and it was not published ...

It's a little omission, but forgive me (but I'm writing it seriously).

Free transient shaperSurreal MachinesCrack is recommended.

Please download Crack etc. from the following page

And the multi-band versionImpactIs also very good and recommended.

However, FL Studio users can also create their own using Patcher and Crack.

Patcher is recommended for FL Studio users as there are many more things to learn.

Create a multi-band transient shaper with Patcher

It is like this.

The reverb part of Kick is cut.

It can also be used to cut the release part of the base and the Kick that it covers.

Let's make it.

First, use "Frequency Splitter" in "Patcher" to create a multi-band.

Load "Patcher" into the mixer, open it, and load "Frequency Splitter".

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Then right-click on "Frequency Splitter" and click "Outputs"-> "Audio"-> "2. Send 1" to enable it.

Enable "3.Send 2" and "4.Send 3" in the same way.

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After that, the version is upgraded and the context menu type displayed by right-clicking can be operated continuously without closing by right-clicking as it is.

It's hard to convey in words, so please watch the video.

This completes the output for XNUMX bands.

Double-click "Frequency Splitter" to open it.

Drag the red frame in the figure below to make it "1", "2", and "3", respectively.

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Now each band and Output has been assigned.

All you have to do is delete the cable that is currently connected and connect the remaining three to "To FL Studio".

We will load Crack here.

I prepared a video.


Also, for "Frequency Splitter", if you want to narrow the bandwidth of each band or if you don't like the sound changing too much, enabling "Frequency Splitter" will cause latency, but the sound will be natural. ..

Slope is set to "96dB" for easy understanding.


The latency changes depending on the "PERCISION" setting.

It is 1536Sample / 34.83ms in "Medium".

I think this is a trade-off.

How to use FL Studio Summary of how to make a multi-band transient shaper using Patcher

I thought about pausing the blog, but I chose to keep writing because it would be painful if I didn't do anything.

I will continue to write it firmly in the future, so thank you.



I copied the title and URL