Learn from SamplesFromMars Tips How to add bass to Kick without using EQ XNUMX

2020 04 09 02x08 07 DTM

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

I will write it in three parts with the following contents.

Actually, I thought I'd finish it once, but if I tried various things, this would be good!I found that, so I decided to explain it in three parts.

Okay.Samples From MarsFrom the tips information of

Have you sampled a great-sounding kick drum from an old record or drum machine, but noticed that the bass wasn't enough?Suppose you, like me, have spent countless hours trying to put layers underneath the latest samples.Then reach for your favorite synth and try layering again.

Don't get me wrong, if you are really skilled, you can run any of these applications.But it can be difficult and time consuming, especially if you really want to keep making music.

So what's the solution to creating a fast, thick, harmonic subbus?Resonance type high pass filter.Yes, by removing the bass, you can add monster-grade bass.It may sound meaningless, but listen to the end.

Now, I will explain how to add bass to Kick using HighPass Filter.


Add bass to Kick with HighPass Filter

Free for anyone to doDead Duck Free Effects BundleUse the DD Dual Filter included in.

If the Filter is equipped with a High Pass and sends a Resonance, it can be done in general, but in some cases it may be necessary to cut the lingering sound with a Gate or the like.

Bass is added to Kick which has less bass.

Load the Filter into the Kick mixer where you want to add bass.

2020 04 09 00x39 36

The HPF "Res" is maximized, and the "Cut" is gradually lowered to 44Hz, which is easy to understand this time.

For FL StudioShiftYou can finely change the value by holding down the key and moving the knob.

Kick seems to be good to match the key of the songSee hereI made a table in Excel.
(Easy to understand, rounded off to the nearest whole number)

The point is that you can find the next Hz by multiplying by "1.059463094".

2020 04 09 01x34 38

If the key is C, it seems that it fits well if it is set to "33Hz" or "65Hz".

I will verify the contents of this area separately.

I was able to easily enhance the bass.

As you can see, it sounds different from lifting with EQ.
(Because resonance oscillates)

After that, if you crush it a little with a comp, you will get a sense of unity.

Also, if the resonance oscillation is too strong, such as D-Pole, the sound will not stop.Dead Duck Free Effects BundleIt will be neat if you cut the release part using something like DD Gate included in.

I prepared a video for the time being.


Learn from SamplesFromMars Tips How to add bass to Kick without using EQ XNUMX Summary

You can easily enhance the bass, but it will take a lot of time depending on the filter, so I think you should try various things with trial and error.

It may be easier to rely on plugins, but I think it's worth knowing how to do something when you don't have a plugin.

Next time is "2. Add bass to Kick using FilterStation2 of Audio Damage + α".



Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL