Make a monaural maker with FL Studio Patcher (make stereo monaural)

2020 03 07 19x09 56 FL Studio

Make a monaural maker with FL Studio Patcher (make stereo monaural)

I'm yosi, the caretaker of Chillout with Beats.

Recently, I'm addicted to multi-band material using Patcher, so I'll write about how to make stereo monaural first.

Surprisingly, there seems to be no plug-in that makes a free stereo monaural, so I will make it with the plug-in that comes with FL Studio.

It's easy to do.

1. Halve the volume with Fruity Balance
2. Add LR using Fruity Stereo Shaper and let it flow to L
3. Add LR using Fruity Stereo Shaper and let it flow to R
4. Add L and R and output

2020 03 07 17x01 48

I will actually make it.

Make a monaural maker with Patcher

First, load "Patcher" into the mixer.

Next, load "Fruity Balance" in "Patcher".

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Load two "Fruity Stereo Shaper" and connect them as follows.

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Open the first "Fruity Stereo Shaper" and click "Mixing"-> "LR to LL" from the presets.

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Open the second "Fruity Stereo Shaper" and click "Mixing"-> "LR to LL" from the presets.

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Next, open "Fruity Balance" and set "Volume" to "0.5".

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I also prepared a GIF video for the time being.

2020 03 07 17x56 09

That's it.

Let's check the operation.

It is obvious when you look at it with a stereo analyzer.

Izotpe Ozone imagerIs also installed in Ozone, but you can get it individually for free, so if you don't have it, download it.

You can also use it only by spreading it to the left and right.


Making a monaural maker with FL Studio Patcher (making stereo monaural) Summary

The reason why I made a monaural maker is that sometimes it is better to make the bass part monaural.

Therefore, I made it possible to make the bass part monaural with multi-band.

From the next time onwards, I will continue to create other multi-band effects.


I copied the title and URL