How to use Audiomodern's breakbeat generator Loopmix ③

2022 12 26 01x43 35 How to use

How to use Audiomodern's breakbeat generator Loopmix ③

Continuing from yesterday, I will explain how to use Loopmix.

Here are the contents so far:

This time, we will send you the following contents.

・How to output each track with parallel output (FL Studio)
・How to record the output in real time (FL Studio)


How to output each track with parallel output (FL Studio)

I think the method of para-outing each track differs depending on the DAW.

Here we will use FL Studio as an example.

To set the paraout, click "Processing" from the gear icon on the upper left.

You can decide which mixer each track should come out of.

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FL Studio's routing is a little confusing, so I'll explain it in detail.

Each parallel output is output from the mixer relative to the mixer specified by "TRACK" on the upper right.

For example, set "TRACK" to "2" and set "Track1" and "Track2" to "2" and "3".

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Since the output of the mixer is set to 2, everything except "Track1" and "Track2" will be output from mixer 2.

"Track 1" is output from mixer 4, and "Track 2" is output from mixer 5.

This means that it is output from a mixer that is +2 or +2 relative to mixer 3.
(Since it is relative, it can also be set to a negative value.)

I prepared a video.


How to record the output in real time (FL Studio)

Loopmix can be changed in various ways by operating in real time.

We will explain how to record such real-time operations in FL Studio.

For other DAWsofficial manualIf you don't know it, please check it out.

For FL Studio, using Edison is very easy.

 Ctrl + e will start up with the mixer selected by "Edison".

Click the "Record" button for "Edison".

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Then play FL Studio and make changes in real time with Loopmix.

I prepared a video.



But Loopmix's initial library is good.

There are many genres, and it will be fun with all the sounds that can be used.

Next time, I will explain the randomization part.

How to use
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL