[Free] How to use Audio Vitamins step sequencer Stochas XNUMX

2020 08 09 01x45 12 How to use

[Free] How to use Audio Vitamins step sequencer Stochas XNUMX

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

I will send you how to use Stochas several times.

Please refer to the previous article for how to download and make sounds.


This time, we will send you the following contents.

・ Difference between "Mono" and "Poly"


Difference between "Mono" mode and "Poly" mode


The idea is Mono and Poly synths, but the features available in Stochas are a little different.


"Mono" mode

Monaural mode – One note is randomly selected at each step based on the cells that are turned on.

"Mono mode" setting

Select the following points to switch to "Mono mode".

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In "Mono mode", only one note will sound even if multiple cells are enabled in one step.

And you can change the probability of ringing by dragging or clicking up and down.

Right click to delete.

It's a little difficult to understand even if it's a video, but the first one is dragging.

The second is a click.

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You can choose from XNUMX types of probability, Low is the lowest, Med and High are the highest.

It is possible to play the target sound while leaving a random element.

I took a video.

High and Med are often pronounced, and Low is two, but not so much.



"Poly" mode

Polymode-You can play multiple notes at each step of the sequence.Use polymode to program the drums.

"Poly mode" setting

Select the following points to switch to "Poly mode".

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The operation method is almost the same as "Mono mode".

Adjust the percentage by dragging.

The difference between "Mono mode" and "Poly mode" is that "Mono mode" always sounds when the cell is enabled.

In "Poly mode", it may not sound even at 99%.

"Poly mode" can be played with chords, so you can set the appearance rate.

I took a video.

It's random, but it sounds like it's aimed to some extent, so it's really wonderful.


If you add effects and drums, you can play like this.


[Free] How to use Audio Vitamins step sequencer Stochas XNUMX Summary

I don't have much time, so it's a little.

Stochas is so interesting that I will continue to write articles.


How to use
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL