Xfer Records Serum updated to 1.30b5 (with commentary)

2020 08 10 02x06 11 Plugin

Xfer Records Serum updated to 1.30b5 (with commentary)

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

I will explain what kind of function it is for the new function.
(If you do not understand it, there is no explanation)

Please refer to the following articles for how to update and when to update.

Serum 1.30b5 update

There are four in all.

Add: (SerumFX) Presets Saved by SerumFX with oscillators enabled will reload with oscillators enabled

Add: Sort Random in WT Editor Sort menu

Add: Envelope zoom lock now persists plugin window being closed

Add: Smoothing to the FX Level trims

New function XNUMX

Added: (SerumFX) Presets saved in SerumFX with the oscillator enabled will be reloaded with the oscillator enabled.

When I enabled the oscillator in SerumFX, saved the preset, and loaded it, the oscillator was disabled and loaded in previous versions.

For example, save the preset with the oscillator enabled as shown below.

2020 08 10 00x20 58

In 1.30b4, it is read in the disabled state as follows.
(To be precise, all oscillator settings seem to be ignored)

2020 08 10 00x23 24

With 1.30b5, I was a little worried because FL gave an error once, but the oscillator information was also read. (However, it seems that it needs to be saved with 1.30b5)

2020 08 10 01x39 29


New function 2

Added: Random sort in the sort menu of the WT editor

"Sort Randomize" has been added to "Sort".

2020 08 10 01x40 45

It seems to be good to use it when you want to change the texture of WaveTable.

New function 3

Added: Envelope zoom lock now persists when the plugin window is closed

In 1.30b4, the following red frame had to be re-enabled when the window was reopened.

2020 08 10 00x55 51

In 1.30b5, it certainly keeps even if you reopen the window.

New function 4

Added: FX level trim smoothing

I didn't understand this.


Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL