Create multi-band modulation with FL Studio Patcher

2020 03 13 23x16 16 FL Studio

Create multi-band modulation with FL Studio Patcher

I'm yosi, the caretaker of Chillout with Beats.

Patcher multi-band series.

This time is multi-band modulation.

Isn't it unpleasant to make the low frequency band stereo?

In such a case, it is better to use multi-band and monaural low frequency band.

Then I will make it immediately.

Please read the following articles first to create the source of the Patcher multiband.


Add your favorite modulation effect

You can customize the modulation as you like.

Just from a plugin that can be set in various waysLittle Micro Shift,TAL-Chorus-LXA simple plugin like this is easier to use.
(Because it is quite troublesome to change the parameters a little in Patcher)

I got it here on sale a while agoLittle Micro ShiftI will explain using.

2020 03 13 22x40 41

Load Patcher and from presetPreviously made Multi Band Gross BeatOpen.
(Digits are not suitable, so use the knobs)

2020 03 13 22x43 35

Remove GrossBeat, add 3 Little MicroShifts, and connect.

It's easy, but I prepared a Gif video for the time being.

2020 03 13 22x45 28

Make the Low band monaural

Next, add Patcher to the Low band.
(Any plug-in that can be monaural is fine.)

If you don't have a plug-in that can be monaural, first create a preset that can be monaural with Patcher in the following article.

Open MonoMaker from the preset. (Note: Preset name when created in the above article)

2020 03 13 22x47 07

Then assign the Little MicroShift parameters to the knobs.

This time, assign DRY / WET.

2020 03 13 23x12 28

Although it is a little cut off in the GIF video, the parameter to be assigned is "3.Mix" of "Imput".

2020 03 13 22x52 05

2020 03 13 22x51 49

That's it.

Summary of making multi-band modulation with Patcher in FL Studio

The multi-band system has many uses, so it is better to save it as a template.

I'm also happy that the threshold between the Low band and the Mid band can be changed freely, so the Low band can be made monaural according to the source.

FL Studio
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL