[Free] How to use Dotec-Audio's DeeMute in FL Studio

2022 08 04 02x25 32 How to use

tidbits and news

I received a request today, so I will answer it and explain how to use Dotec-Audio's DeeMute, which I introduced the other day, in FL Studio.

By default DeeMute will play a sound when triggered by a MIDI note.

So if DeeMute doesn't receive a MIDI note, nothing will sound.

I will explain it immediately.

Now let's make some MIDI settings.

MIDI settings

Settings must be made on the side that sends and receives MIDI.
(Determine the port and set the same port)

“DeeMute” settings

First, we will set up "DeeMute", which is the receiving side.

First of all, I prepared a video, so please refer to it as well.

Load DeeMute into your mixer.

Set "Input port" of "MIDI" to "0" from the gear icon on the upper left.

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“MIDI Out” settings

Next, on the sending side, we will use the "MIDI Out" that comes with FL Studio.

Load "MIDI Out".

"MIDI Out" does not need to be changed as MIDI out is default "0".

2022 08 07 01x24 32

Now you are ready to go.

Assign a suitable loop to a mixer loaded with "DeeMute" and play it.

Then play some MIDI notes.

A sound will be played when the MIDI note is turned on.

It is like this.

It is difficult to use as it is, so if you enable "FLIP" of "DeeMute", it will be muted only when there is a MIDI note.

It is like this.



It's easy once you get used to it, but it's a tricky part if you're not used to it.

In the case of MIDI, routing is difficult to understand, so I think it's a particularly confusing place.

There are plug-ins that can monitor MIDI information, so I think that monitoring using such tools will help you understand.

I'm writing an article, so please check it out.



















  1. Ltd. Than:

    It was helpful because I was having trouble understanding MIDI.
    Thank you for your kind explanation!

    • yosi Than:

      Mr. Doo

      you're welcome!
      FL Studio's MIDI environment is hard to understand, so it's a place where everyone gets caught.
      I'm glad you found it helpful!

I copied the title and URL