[Free] Introducing MIDI Monitor, a plug-in that can monitor the movement of MIDI

2021 10 16 04x54 59 Plugin

Actually, I was writing an introductory article about MIDI-Transformer, but it didn't work with FL Studio, so I changed it in a hurry.

Instead, I will introduce the plug-in MIDI Monitor that I have been using for verification when it does not work related to MIDI.

This article will be sent with the following contents.

・ Overview of MIDI Monitor and how to download
・ How to use MIDI Monitor

MIDI Monitor overview and how to download

Sometimes it's the most frustrating thing in the universe to try to figure out exactly where MIDI is going, what the message is, or ..., whether MIDI is happening right now!

Don't be afraid, aiXdsp offers you a free MIDI monitor, you can use it in your DAW of your choice and understand all the nonsense.

Get it here, spread the word, and let us know how you like it!

It's $ 9.99, but it's been free for a long time.

The format is Windows / OSX (VST2 AAX).

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You can download it without any special registration.

How to use MIDI Monitor

There is nothing to use in particular, but I will briefly explain how to use it in FL Studio.

For example, "Output port" is set to "0".GateKeeperLet's check if the MIDI CC data is properly popularized.

already"GateKeeper"" Means that the MIDI setting and "Output port" are set to "0".

Load "MIDI Monitor" into the mixer and set it to the "input port" you want to check.

Here, set it to "0".

2021 10 16 04x44 34

Then "GateKeeperYou can see the MIDI CC message from.

I prepared a video.



If MIDI CC etc. does not respond well, it is necessary to isolate it to investigate the cause.

You can find out where the cause is by looking at each one, such as whether the MIDI plug-in is outputting properly and whether the receiving side is receiving it properly.

It would be nice to be able to easily isolate using such a tool.



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