How to make Voltage Modular work with Reaktor via MIDI

2019 09 01 23h49 06 1 Structure

How to make Voltage Modular work with Reaktor via MIDI

This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

This article is also possible with Reaktor Player, but Voltage ModularCore Library is required.

It is a method to link Voltage Modular with Reaktor by MIDI, but unfortunately it does not seem to work with "Plug-In Host".

I've tried quite a lot, but I think it's a bug of "Plug-In Host" because it works well when you start Voltage Modular and Reaktor separately on FL Studio.

So, start Reaktor and Voltage Modular in your DAW (FLStudio) and link the MIDI information.

What you can do with this is "You can operate Voltage Modular modules with MIDI OUT of Reaktor Block".

As for the specific merit, for example, you can put the OUT of the Reaktor Block sequencer in the Voltage Modular.Euclidean in Reaktor User Library(Euclidean) There is a rhythm block, so you can incorporate it.
(Reaktor User LibraryRequires a paid version of Reaktor to use)

Reaktor User LibraryThere are quite a few blocks like the ones below.

2019 09 01 14x40 09

For example, wouldn't it be fun to imagine what would happen if you played a Voltage Modular drum module using an Euclidean Block?

The introduction has become long, but let's actually link it.

Make Voltage Modular work with Reaktor via MIDI

It's easy to do on your DAW, and I'll connect MIDI OUT and IN.

In the case of FL Studio, it is as follows.

Reaktor MIDI settings

Load Reaktor.

When you start it, the following screen will be displayed, so select "Patch".

2019 09 01 15x42 28

Display the following screen from the gear icon and set "Output port" of "MIDI".
This number can be any number, but it should be the same as the "Input port" number of the "Voltage Modular" set in the next step.

In the following example, specify 0.

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Voltage Modular MIDI settings

Load the Voltage Modular.

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Display the following screen from the gear icon and set "Output port" of "MIDI".

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Now Reaktor and Voltage Modular MIDI are connected.

Now, let's actually output a MIDI sequence with Reaktor and play Voltage Modular.

Output 16-step sequencer from MIDI Out with Reaktor Block

This is also easy.

First, prepare a 16-step sequencer with Reaktor Block.

TOYBOXI will use Mr.'s free pack, so if you have not introduced it, please refer to the following article.
(If you know, please use the standard sequencer or the User Library sequencer you like.)

Add "Free Pack"-> "Sequencers"-> "SEQ-Note ..." from Reaktor's browser.

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Then add "Block Base"-> "Util"-> "UTL-Util MIDI Out".

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The connections are as follows.

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Receive MIDI with Voltage Modular

2019 09 01 23x49 06

In the above example, MIDI "FROM HOST" is used, but "CV OUTS" can also be used normally.

It's pretty easy to work with.

As a bonus, I will also post an image on how to chain the Note Sequencer.

It's easy because you just connect it.

2019 09 02 21x39 22

Summary of how to link Voltage Modular with Reaktor via MIDI

I'm using a DAW now, but I think I'll be able to do it with "Plug-In Host" soon.

For those who play Live etc., I think that it is better for stability and CPU power to be able to do it only with Voltage Modular.

If it becomes possible to use it with "Plug-In Host" due to version upgrade etc., I will explain it again including how to use it.

Next time, I will explain how to use Reaktor's User Library.




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