How to use Softube Modular Explanation of standard module Delay

2019 11 02 02x09 48 Structure

How to use Softube Modular Explanation of standard module Delay

This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

Delay is a module that delays sound and CV, not effects.

Delay manual Google translation + α


The module delays the incoming signal by up to 1000 ms (XNUMX second).


Time: The Time knob sets the time from 1 ms to 1000 ms (1 second).
The CV Amount Th is knob sets the CV Amount that affects the delay time of the input signal.


IN: IN:IN puts the audio or CV you want to delay into this input.

CV:CV is the input used for the control voltage of the delay time. It is closely linked to the CV.



Out: Out:Delay signal output.

How to use Delay

Delay is simple, but it can be used in many ways.

For example, you can use it as a normal Delay effect, use an LFO to get a chorus effect, delay the envelope, and so on.

Chorus effect

I will explain briefly.

For details, this article is simple and easy to understand.

In the case of chorus, it's simple, just delay the original sound a little and apply an LFO to the original sound and mix it with the original sound.

However, to make it stereo requires two circuits.

The figure below shows the Softube Modular preset "Chorus".

I think it's the simplest chorus.

The sound coming from INPUTS is sent to Delay and Mixer (In2).
(I will explain the flow of the signal surrounded by the yellow circle)

2019 11 02 02h05 07 1

And the signal that entered Delay is sent to Mixer (In1).

Here, the original sound and the delayed sound are mixed.

This is just a delay, so multiply the delay signal by an LFO.

In the video below, you can compare before and after applying the LFO.
(It is monaural due to the influence of the video codec)


Once the output of the LFO is connected to "POL MIX", the LFO is inverted here.


Explanation summary of how to use Softube Modular Delay

I thought I'd write a flanger and envelope example, but I was exhausted ...

I will add it later.



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