[Free] Explanation of Reaktor Block Sequential Switch of Toybox XNUMX

2020 11 04 04h15 17 1 Structure

[Free] Explanation of Reaktor Block Sequential Switch of Toybox XNUMX

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I'm yosi, the caretaker.

This is the second explanation of Sequential Switch and is a continuation of the previous one.

The previous article is here.

Parameter explanation of Sequential Switch

2020 11 02 16h33 38 2

Since there is a possibility that the article will be put together in the future, the numbers are continued from the previous time.

⑦ FOWORD:The sequence goes forward.

⑧ REVERSE:The sequence goes backwards.

⑦ and ⑧ are videos together.

It's the difference between going forward and backward, which is common.

⑨ FOWORD THEN REVERSE:Go forward to the last step and then back.

Go home.

⑩ TRIANGLE:Same as FOWORD THEN REVERSE, but with a step added at the end.

In the last step, go back to the beginning, go back to the end, and go back.

⑨ and ⑩ are videos together.

⑪ PATTERN1:Play pattern 1.

Plays the pattern recorded from the beginning.

Pattern 1 plays in the order 1-> 8-> 2-> 7-> 3-> 6-> 4-> 5.

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⑫ PATTERN2:Play pattern 2.

This also plays the pattern recorded from the beginning.

Pattern 2 plays in the order 1-> 3-> 2-> 4-> 5-> 7-> 6-> 8.

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⑬ RANDOM1: Play steps randomly.

It will play completely randomly.

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⑭ RANDOM2: Same as RANDOM1, but the same steps are not played.

If it is RANDOM1, it may be biased, but if it is RANDOM2, it will be played evenly at random.

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[Free] Explanation of Toybox's Reaktor Block Sequential Switch XNUMX Summary

No, it's free, but it's really wonderful.

Next time, I will explain the remaining parameters.

In the next installment, I will introduce an example of how to use it and finish the Sequential Switch.


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