Introducing YouTuber recommended for FL Studio users

2021 11 10 01x56 13 FL Studio

Introducing YouTuber recommended for FL Studio users.

In short, we have picked up some videos that you would like to see with XNUMX YouTubers who introduce tips of FL Studio, so please take a look.

Since it is all in English, please refer to the following article for how to display Japanese subtitles.

Introducing YouTuber recommended for using FL Studio

The recommended YouTubers are as follows.

Jonas Aden

I highly recommend it.

If you don't know it, we recommend you to check it as soon as possible.

This is because he seems to have quit SNS, and his Twitter and Instagram accounts have already been suspended.

So it's unclear how long YouTube will remain.

There is a high possibility that it will disappear suddenly in the future, so let's absorb the tips introduced.

The following Tips videos explain important points smoothly.

There are 160 in all.



I think it's a name you'll see when using FL Studio.

An extension library for FLEX has also been released, and you are familiar with FL Studio for a long time.

If you like DubStep, I think you should study this video.

If you are not satisfied with Youtube, ADSR Audio will pay for it.Tutorial videoIs also open to the public.

FLP is attached to this video.

FLP has a Google Drive link in the description below the video and can be downloaded from here.

2021 11 10 01x08 43


The video may also come with a Patcher file.


In The Mix 

This person is also a person who has published a commentary video on Youtube for a long time.

After a little research, Youtube was explained in 2013.

Many figures and animations are used and explained in a very easy-to-understand manner.

And English is clear and easy to understand.
(Seamless R speaks fast ...)

The free plugin commentary video is very good.

It's quite famous, so I think most of you know it, but if you find a plugin you don't know, please check it out.

Reverb and Delay

Comp edition

Mixing and Production

Also, the explanation of Stereo Shaper is very good.


I thought Jonas Aden would take a short break and come back, but there was less information than before.

I don't know what happened, but I hope it will come back again.


FL Studio
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL