How to move GrossBeat slots randomly (VST version)

2021 09 19 05x42 16 How to use

Last time, I explained how to randomize Gross Beat slots in FL Studio.

I will also explain the case of VST version and other DAWs.

Here, we will explain using Reason.

It is like this.

The video preset uses "Patterns", but I changed "TRG SYNC" to "1/4 beat" in all slots.

2021 09 19 05x16 14

The presets are uploaded below, so if you find it bothersome to change them yourself, please download them here. (Trial operation in progress)

To load the preset, click "Load preset / bank ..." from the ▼ on the upper left to decompress the downloaded file and load it.

2021 09 19 05x31 03


How to randomize slots in VST version of Gross Beat

After launching Reason, load GrossBeat into the appropriate insert or master.

Here, let's load it into the master.

Right-click in "MASTER SECTION" and click "EFFECT"-> "Image-Line"-> "IL Gross Beat".

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2021 09 19 04x43 01

Right-click on "IL Gross Beat" and click "Utilities"-> "Pulsar Dual LFO".

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I feel like this.

2021 09 19 04x51 06

TabPress the key to display the back side and click "CV PROGRAMER".

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Connect "MODULATION CV IN" of "IL Gross Beat" and "1" of "LFO" of "Pulsar Dual LFO" by drag and drop.

2021 09 19 04x54 38

againTabPress the key to display the front.

Randomize the waveform of the "Pulsar Dual LFO" to maximize the "LEVEL".

2021 09 19 04x59 05

I think that the slot of "Gross Beat" will move freely when you play it.


I tried using Gumroad's service for a while.

I'm thinking of using it as a free-to-play storeroom, but I still don't understand how much it will cost.

So it is still in the test operation stage.

I would be grateful if you could comment on any points you noticed.


I copied the title and URL