How to make an accurate reverse drum loop in FL Studio

2021 11 12 05x03 26 FL Studio

How to make an accurate reverse drum loop with Slicex in FL Studio

Reverse is very attractive, isn't it?

ReverseIs famous, but if it is a complicated rhythm, it may not be reversed properly.

That is to say, the timing to reverse is decided, but if this timing does not match, it will not be reversed accurately.
(It may be a good effect, so it is not always accurate.)

ReverseIf so, set the reverse timing in the red frame part in the figure below.

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To reverse accurately, it is necessary to reverse each note of the drum.

It is like this.


Let's explain how to do it.

Reverse play all slices with Slicex

To reverse the drum loop for each note, slice it with Slicex and play it back for all slices.

It may seem like a hassle,There is a super easy way to do it in a few seconds.

Please watch the video below.


To do this, first select "15" from the "color group selector" in the upper left.

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This is to reverse play the slice of "Deck A".

"16" is "Deck B".

And after selecting all Alt + c You can change to the selected "color group selector" at once by clicking.

Only this.

Right now, it's reversed with all selections, but you can also reverse only part of it, so you can make various variations.


Slicex is really great.

It's a pity that new functions are not added due to updates etc., but it is a good plug-in with a solid basic design.


FL Studio
Chillout with Beat


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