Make an autofilter with the free Reaktor BLOCKS BASE

2019 09 14 15h47 42 1 Ntive Instruments

Make an autofilter with the free Reaktor BLOCKS BASE

This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

This article can be done with the free Reaktor BLOCKS BASE.
However, you need to add a free block in advance.Please refer to the following article for how to add.

Auto filter is an effect that changes the degree of filter application depending on the amount of sound input.

Let's make it to your liking.

Consider the configuration of the auto filter

The auto filter is very simple.

The point is to assign the envelope to the filter cutoff.

I think that you can easily understand the mechanism by touching the modular.

I have written a lot of articles about virtual modular, so please refer to it if you are interested.

First, load Reaktor into your DAW as an effect.

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Ordinary envelopes require a Gate signal, so hereTOYBOXUse Envelope Follower from your Free Pack.

Please load the following two modules.

Module to use
・ Envelope Follower (Free Pack)
・ Filter (Stereo) (Free Pack)
The filter can be a standard filter, but it is troublesome to make it compatible with stereo, soTOYBOXUse Filter from your Free Pack.

Auto filter connection and settings


2019 09 14 15x47 42

Only this.

I also prepared a video for the time being.


Next, regarding the settings, "Envelope Follower" outputs an envelope for the audio input.

Modulate the Filter's "Cut off" with that envelope.

Click A and drag the bar next to CUTOFF up.

The value of "CUT OFF" should be lowered to the bottom.

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From here, the setting value changes depending on the audio.

In the following video, only the head part is filtered against the pad.

Adding the drums and bass purchased from Loopcloud, it looks like this.

Make an auto filter with free Reaktor BLOCKS BASE Summary

It was pretty easy to make an auto filter.

To tell the truth, this is the foundation of the next article.

After all, I would like to use my favorite filter, so in the next article, I will issue "Envelope Follower" with MIDI CC to modulate other plug-ins.



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