Useful things to know if you use SerumFX XNUMX

2021 04 13 03h12 20 1 How to use

Useful things to know if you use SerumFX XNUMX

I have a little idea, so I will write it.

For the last time and Serum FX, please see the following articles.


This time about the noise oscillator of SerumFX.

SerumFX noise oscillator

I didn't notice it because I was only touching the effect and the LFO, but when the noise oscillator is enabled, the routing changes and it is output after passing through the noise oscillator.

Use envelope

To be precise, the "Audio In" mode is the default.

When it comes to routing from "Audio In", an envelope is applied.

So, for example, if the envelope, such as Sylenth 1, is independent of the oscillator, changing the envelope can be a hassle.

With SerumFX, you can change the envelope all at once with a simple GUI.


The point is that the MIDI notes sent to Serum will change unless they are single notes.

Also, it sometimes becomes monaural because it is a malfunction.

In such a case, reselect "Audio In" to fix it.


Add noise

If you're editing Serum, you'll add noise when you want to add an attack, but you can add just the noise to other synths.

However, if you add noise, the routing will change and you will not be able to use the envelope.


Useful things to know if you use SerumFX XNUMX Summary

The Serum envelope is still easy to use.

Sylenth 1 likes light sounds, but it's difficult to use and it's troublesome to edit because there are Part A and Part B.

To be honest, I often use the presets without editing ...

That's why I personally can use envelopes, filters, and effects in this way, which has expanded the use of Sylenth 1.

I didn't have much time and it became a rough article, but I will fix it at a later date.



  1. Fans of this site Than:

    > When it comes to routing from "Audio In", an envelope will be applied.

    Well, it's amazing. SerumFX I didn't write it by touching it, so it may not be accurate, but this means that you can control the volume triggered by MIDI.
    If you want to do this, you can do something similar to a Volume Shaper plug-in.Great.
    I haven't touched it, so I'll say something appropriate, but if you delay the attack and keep holding MIDI notes, you can do something like a ducking plug-in.Great.
    If you assign an LFO to the noise oscillator level in Audio In mode, you can add a rhythm like a tremolo.Great.

    It seems to be less convenient than the dedicated plug-in because it has to be triggered by MIDI or the sound changes, but it can be used by those who do not have it, and it seems that it can imitate various plug-ins.Great.Great.

    • yosi Than:

      > Uh, awesome. SerumFX I didn't write it by touching it, so it may not be accurate, but this means that you can control the volume triggered by MIDI.
      That's right!It's amazing.
      It was good, there was a person who understood.

      > It seems to be less convenient than the dedicated plug-in because it has to be triggered by MIDI or the sound changes, but it can be used by those who do not have it, and it seems that it can imitate various plug-ins.Great.Great.

      Serum's embe and LFO are pretty easy to use, so I think they're much better than bad ducking effects.
      I think I'll write an article like that.

I copied the title and URL