How to use a free Reaktor BLOCKS BASE synth in your DAW

2019 06 18 23x52 39 Ntive Instruments


This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

This time, I will introduce how to use your own synth from your DAW (FLStudio).

It doesn't change much with other DAWs, so please read it.

Also, if you own Reaktor, Reaktor Player will not use it, so some screens may be different or the behavior may be different.

If not, it would be very helpful to contact us on Twitter or blog.


I'll use the synth I made in the last two articles.

If you don't understand at all, please refer to the past articles.

2019 06 16 16x08 03
How to make a synthesizer with the free Reaktor BLOCKS BASE 1
For the time being, I think I'll write an article about Reaktor BLOCKS BASE.It seems that Reaktor users cannot download Reaktor Player, so I will explain using the Reaktor screen. What is Reaktor BLOCKS BASE...
2019 06 17 23x44 22
How to make a synthesizer with the free Reaktor BLOCKS BASE 2
Second stage of Reaktor BLOCKS BASE.Last time I made a 3OSC synthesizer.However, it is actually quite functional.For example, adding an envelope to the SVF, or adding a sequencer.This time, we will implement it.Good to read the article...

How to use a synth made with Reaktor BLOCKS BASE in a DAW


You can use Reaktor Player, but Komplete Control is overwhelmingly easier.

Occasionally on Twitter, made with ReaktorMONARCH,FORMI've seen tweets like this synths wither because they need to launch Reaktor once, but using Komplete Control can save you a lot of hassle.

So add Komplete Control from FL Studio.

Click "Edit"-> "Preferences…" from ▼ of Komplete Control.

2019 06 18 21x39 55

Specify the save location of the synth created by Reaktor Player from "Library"-> "User"-> "Add".

If you don't know, open Reaktor Player and select "File"-> "Open" to open the previously saved location, so specify the Path.

2019 06 18 22x43 18

Click Rescan when you have finished adding.


Open your own synth from your DAW (FLStudio)

2019 06 18 23x00 12

1. Click the user library icon

2. I think there is a "Reaktor Player", so click it (the screen is Reaktor, so there may be some differences)

Then, the preset of the synth you made will be displayed on the left side, so double-click it.

Control parameters from your DAW (FLStudio)

It's a good idea, so let's control the parameters.

Click "Browse parameters" from the ▼ on the upper left of Komplete Control, just like a normal synth.2019 06 18 23x59 31

A list of parameters will be displayed on the left, so right-click the parameter you want to automate.

You can automate by clicking "Create automation clip".

2019 06 19 00x01 36

Demo sound source

I made a demo sound source by adding drums to a slightly 303-like sound.

It automates the attack and decay of the envelope applied to the cutoff and filter.

And for the effect, D16DecimortI'm using. (Although it is version 1)

The delay is similar to the analog delay made with Pather made in the following article.

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How to use FLStudio, sale information, free plug-in information

2019 06 19 00x24 26



I searched a lot, but there is not much information on Block using Reaktor Player even on the official website.

I'd like to do a little more cooperation with the DAW, but since I can't confirm the operation, I'll explain it in module units from the next time.



I copied the title and URL