[Free] Introducing the MIDI generation app Laras Composition

2021 07 16 02x58 31 News

Laras CompositionKVR Developer Challenge 2021It is a MIDI generation application entered in.

I was worried when I wrote the following article, but it was through because it is an application.

I tried it, but I have a feeling that I can do quite a lot of things.
(I haven't touched it at all yet, so I can't confirm it)

The great thing is that you can output MIDI just by selecting a chord progression or pattern from presets.

And maybe there are many people who are stumbling when starting this app, so I will write up to the point where it starts and makes a sound for the time being.

This article will be sent with the following contents.

・ Overview of MIDI generation app Laras Composition
・ How to download the MIDI generation application Laras Composition
-How to start the MIDI generation application Laras Composition
-How to make the sound of the MIDI generation application Laras Composition


Overview of MIDI generation app Laras Composition

LARAS (Javanese for scale) is a free (and soon to be open source) tool that can be used in the following ways:

Music creation tool
Scale learning tool
Major / minor composition learning tool
5th note-based composition learning tool
Music learning / educational tools
Music typewriter
Code generator / code order
Keyboard, guitar, ukulele fingering learning tool
Code progression database
Or 175 scales, 74 chord types, over 500 general progressions, 100 free-form progressions, 1,000 song progressions (many of which share the same chord progressions off course), over 1,200. It's just a tool to waste your time with your playing patterns.

How to download the MIDI generation app Laras Composition

Transition from the link below and download the executable file of the corresponding OS.

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How to start the MIDI generation app Laras Composition

First, make sure that Java v1.8 or later is installed before booting.

Check Java version

Start "Run" with the Windows key and r, enter "cmd" and click "OK"

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Enter or copy and paste the following command and press the enter key.

java -version

If the version is 1.8 or later as shown below, proceed to "How to start the MIDI generation application Laras Composition".

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If there are any errors or low versions here, download and install Java.


Launch Laras Composition

Open the "Laras Composition" folder from the command prompt.

Copy the path and type cd at the prompt, then paste the path.

If the drive is different, move it with the drive name + colon in advance.


Then enter the following command.

java -jar Laras.jar

You can now start it.


How to make sound from the MIDI generation app Laras Composition

After starting, click "How to Use Laras V1.02" on the upper right to display the help.

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If you just want to make a sound, click the image on the right.

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Change the rhythm

If you want to change the rhythm, you can change it from the drop-down list that is the XNUMXth from the left in a lump, and you can change it from the drop-down list under each chord if it is a single unit.

I made a video.


Change chord progression

As for the chord progression, the chord progression of various songs is entered in the Database, and various chord progressions are loaded just by selecting it.

However, most of them are as short as XNUMX bars, so it's just for reference.

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I feel that the version will continue to increase in the future, so I can expect very much.

It's not working well, but it seems that it can be linked with DAW to some extent, so I'll investigate a little more and write an article on how to use it.


I copied the title and URL