[Free] Introduction of Amplio, a multi-band effect (32bit)

2020 06 20 02x18 16 Plugin

[Free] Introduction of Amplio, a multi-band effect (32bit)

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

When I was looking for something, there was a VST effect that I was a little worried about, so I tried it.

It is interesting to insert it into the master of the sound recorded by Gurubo instead of using it normally.

In the video below, Reaktor's Out is multiplied by Amplio and FL Limiter only.

Only VST 32bit on PC.

 VSTZoneThe developer was developing it, but the development has already stopped and the developer's web page is gone.

Information still remains in KVR, and it seems that he has released quite a variety of synths and effects.

You can download it from Plugin Butiqe.


Overview of Amplio

Amplio is a way to enhance the boring and dull sound.A 3-band equalizer with adjustable bands and an additional multi-band effect module.Originally designed to enhance drum patterns, it's powerful enough to handle any type of sound. A reverb effect that can be routed to any of the three bands adds space to the mix, and a soft limiter prevents clipping at the final output.


How to use Amplio

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(XNUMX) Preset: You can change, rename, and save presets.

(200) Effects: Five types of effects can be used, but only the degree of application for each band can be changed.If the value of "EQUALIZER" is set to "XNUMX" as shown below, it will be closer to the original sound. (However, it will be monaural)

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(80) Noise gate: A noise gate can be set for each band. If it is -XNUMXdB, it is in an invalid state. You can raise the Threshold and adjust the degree of gate engagement with Attack and Release.

(XNUMX) Stereo enhancer: You can set the stereo enhancer for each band.If you apply it too hard, the balance will be lost during monolas playback.

⑤ Reverb: Reverb can be applied to only one of the three bands.

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You can choose from 6 types of reverb.

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⑥ Multi-band band: You can adjust the bandwidth by dragging.

[Free] Introduction of Amplio, a multi-band effect (32bit) Summary

It's a pity that I can't change the detailed settings, but it's good.

I think it's good to use it as a projectile.

Others from the same developerEclipseYou can download the synth.

I tried using it, but I felt that I was better at sound effects than ordinary synths.


I copied the title and URL