[Free] Introduction of Multiband Distortion Prisma (free version) by UnplugRed (Win only)

2022 12 12 04x47 47 Free plugin

Introducing UnplugRed's Multiband Distortion Prisma (free version)

UnplugRed recently released plug-ins in quick succession, and I was paying attention to it.

The newly released Prisma (free version) was good, so I would like to introduce it.

Prisma (free version) is a multiband effect with 16 types of effects (mainly distortion).

Solidly made and very good.

You can use it for free, but it has the same specifications as the paid version except that "FREE VERSION" is displayed at the bottom.

If you purchase the paid version ($40), "FREE VERSION" will disappear.

Sound demo

No presets.

I applied it to the drum and changed the parameters.



Multiband distribution plugin for advanced tone shaping.
Up to 4 modules can be added to 4 bands.
At the time of writing this article, 16 modules are available.
This plug-in can create very complex tones when mastered.
A common use case is to apply very harsh distortion to a narrow band to create a more subtle effect.
It can also be used for bass sound sources that distort the high range without losing the low range.

The free version displays a banner to keep it out of your way.
Available for both Windows and Linux, VST and VST3 formats, 64-bit only.


An email address is required to download.

Transition from the above link and click the first "DOWNLOAD FREE VERSION".

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Click "Buy Now"

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Enter your email address and click "CONTINUE"

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A questionnaire will be displayed.

I think it's probably the same, but in the case below, the last song or album you listened to is the content.

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This will start the download.



Unzip the downloaded file and you will find VST2 and VST3 files.

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It is OK if you put the basic VST3 file in the following Path.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3



A very easy to use plugin.

I can understand it intuitively.

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of plugins UnplugRed will release in the future.


I copied the title and URL