[Free] Introducing Sonox Inflator clone JS_Inflator_to_VST2_VST3 (Win only)

2023 03 15 02x15 04 Free plugin

 Introducing Sonox Inflator clone JS_Inflator_to_VST2_VST3 (Win only)

Today I would like to introduce the Sonox Inflator clone JS_Inflator_to_VST2_VST3.

It's called "JS_Inflator_to_VST2_VST3", but for now it's only VST3 version.

I've seen clones of Inflator in JSFX and others before, but after a little searching, it seems that others already exist.
(Melda'sMWaveShaper presetsSome people were reproducing it with

Some were reproduced with FL Studio's Patcher.


Sound demo

I played it while gain matching.




JS Inflator, a copy of Sonox Inflator, in vstsdk.



You can download it without registration.

Go to the above link and click "InflatorPackage.vst3" to start downloading.

2023 03 15 01x39 37

The following warning will appear, but you can download by clicking "Continue".

2023 03 14 23x10 58

In my environment where ESET was installed, there was no particular response such as a virus.

I don't think there is anything, but please do so at your own risk.


Put the downloaded file in the VST3 Path and you're done.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3



The good news is that the Sonox Inflator sounds are free to use.





I copied the title and URL