[Free] Introducing 17 types of hardware, Reverb Impulse Response (IR)

2019 09 17 13x40 48 DTM

[Free] Introducing 17 types of hardware, Reverb Impulse Response (IR)

This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

Introducing Impulse Response (IR) that can be downloaded for free (share required).

The following free plug-ins are recommended for IR players.

LITTLE DEVIL STUDIOSThere are two IRs published by Mr., but the free IRs published on other sites are summarized.

However, since both L and R are acquired in stereo in the above IR, it seems that it will not be possible to demonstrate its true character unless it is an IR that supports dual stereo. ((reverberate2,Fog ConvolverIR Player)

A list of publicly available hardware.IRs such as Room and Hall are prepared for each hardware.

Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL