How to use IK Multimedia's AmpliTube 5 as an insert effect

How to use

Perhaps many people got AmpliTube 5 by IK's group-by.

AmpliTube 5 has a number of effects that are unfortunate to use only on the guitar.

So here's how to use AmpliTube 5 as an insert effect.

If you do not use a cabinet etc., the CPU load is low, so it is easy to use.
(It feels perfect for this chorus Lo-Fi)

How to use AmpliTube 5 as an insert effect

First, add AmpliTube 5 to your mixer.

In this state, the monaural input and the amplifier and cabinet are enabled.

So first, make it stereo.

Click the first one on the left.

This will give you a stereo input.

Then disable all amps and cabinets.

Click here for the power icon to disable it.

Disable the cabinet as well.

The balance between the left and right may be different, so let's match it.

I also prepared a video.


This completes the preparation.

Then select the effect you want to add.

Then drag and drop it in front of the last speaker.

If you want to make different settings for monaural, arrange as follows.

I prepared a video.



AmpliTube 5 I thought I wouldn't use it because it's heavy, but I can use it enough.

Moreover, the modulation system seems to be compatible with Lo-Fi, so I personally feel that I will use it frequently.

Let's wrestle with the manual a little.


[themoneytizer id = "118573-6"]
How to use
Chillout with Beat
