[Free] Introducing Envelope Clonner, a plug-in that converts zazz sidechain input into an envelope and applies it to the input.

2024 04 07 15x49 54 Free plugin

Introducing Envelope Clonner, a plug-in that converts the zazz sidechain input into an envelope and applies it to the input.

Today I would like to introduce a new product released by zazz.

It is an image of an envelope follower operating with side chain input.

The usage is the same as side chain etc.


Sound demo

I tried combining pad tones with drums.

The pad sounds go into the effects, and the drums go into the side chain input.

First, I played each with the effect OFF, then turned the effect ON.


Applies an amplitude envelope and spectrum from the sidechain input to the plugin input.

・Products similar to Envelope Clonner...



OS 32bit 64bit
mac x x
Win x Vst3


You can download it without registration.

Go to the link above and click "static.kvraudio.com" to start downloading.

2024 04 07 11x30 49


When you unzip the downloaded file, you will find "EnvelopeCloner.vst3", so put it in the following folder.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3

Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL