How to MIDI OUT a sequence with Voltage Modular

2019 09 14 01x50 46 Structure

How to MIDI OUT a sequence with Voltage Modular

This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

It was made with Reaktor BLOCKS BASE, so I tried it with Voltage Modular.

This article is Voltage ModularCore Library is required.

Load the Voltage Modular in your DAW and play another VSTi in the Voltage Modular sequence.



I also tried it with VeeSeeVS Rack of VCV RACK, but I couldn't because MIDI OUT itself couldn't be done.

I also wanted to output MIDI CC for Voltage Modular, but I couldn't.I think it's a bug.

It is like this.

Send GATE and PITCH from Voltage Modular sequencer to MIDI OUT

The modules used are as follows.

・ 8-Step-Sequencer * 1


2019 09 14 01x37 31

It's so easy that I'll just put the image.

All you have to do is send Gate and Pitch to "CV TO MIDI", convert them to MIDI, and output them from "MIDI OUT".

Voltage Modular MIDI settings

Display the following screen from the gear icon and set "Output port" of "MIDI".
This number can be any number, but it should be the same as the "Input port" number of "Reaktor" set in the next step.

2019 09 01 15x43 49


Now Reaktor and Voltage Modular MIDI are connected.

Reaktor MIDI settings

This time Native InstrumentsRAZORI tried using.

Display the following screen from the gear icon and set "Input port" of "MIDI".
In the following example, specify 0.

2019 09 01 15x46 53

Now Reaktor and Voltage Modular MIDI are connected.

Please set the sequence appropriately and play the DAW.

Summary of how to MIDI OUT a sequence with Voltage Modular

It's easy.

However, it's not interesting at all with the 8Step sequencer, so I'd like you to be able to use MIDI CC at least.

And for the first time in a long time, Native InstrumentsRAZORI started, but it's still good.

I don't feel like I'm mastering it at all, so I think I'll write an article that explains how to use it in order to support NI.


I copied the title and URL