[Free] Introducing the random sequence tool Transition

2019 11 22 00x36 44 Plugin

It's suddenly getting cold and it's a season when the air feels painful.

However, although the world is a storm of hot sale notices toward black gold, it is an introduction article of tools that have nothing to do with it.

For the time being, I was surprised that I could make a phrase like this just by touching it for about 15 minutes.

Since the rhythm and scale can be changed, it is possible to create a phrase with a fairly targeted scale, although it is random.


・ PC only.
・There was a comment that it crashes when using Studio one or Live.Please be careful when using.
(There was no problem with FLStudio)

Transition overview

Transition is a generative MIDI sequencer.The basic idea is to move through the cell's matrix until the bot encounters a wall, another bot, or an obstacle.

When the bot hits a wall, a sound or chord is triggered.The notes / chords are based on the wall cell scale and octave settings.The output can be transposed up or down within the selected scale depending on the MIDI note received.

If a bot crashes with another bot, both directions will change.When a bot encounters an obstacle, its effect on the bot is based on the type of obstacle (for example, changing direction, jumping to another part of the matrix, changing speed, pausing movement, etc.).

There are many settings you can edit to control the behavior of your bot and the MIDI output it produces.Various randomization features can be used to create more interesting and unpredictable output.Most parameters can also be automated.

Transitions are an interesting and fun way to come up with new musical ideas.You can generate chaotic, random results, behave like a standard step sequencer, or generate something in between.

System requirements

OS:Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10

Format: Format:VST2 compatible 32-bit or 64-bit host.

How to make a sound

Transition itself only outputs MIDI notes, so you need a sound source to play.

scalerAnd so on.

It's easy, but I'll explain how to use it in FL Studio.

Load Transition and the appropriate VSTi.

Here is my favorite recentlyWIGGLEIs read.

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Transition settings

Click the red frame icon from the gear icon at the top of the Transition screen.

Set "MIDI Output Port" of "Setting" to "0" here.

2019 11 22 00x20 40

WIGGLE settings

Click the red frame icon from the gear icon at the top of the WIGGLE screen.

Set "MIDI Input Port" of "Setting" to "0".

2019 11 22 00x20 28

After that, select a bot appropriately, put it in the square, and play the DAW, you will hear a sound.

2019 11 22 00x23 49

I wrote a detailed commentary article.

[Free] Summary of introduction of random sequence tool Transition

WIGGLEEven if you don't, you can create more complicated phrases by using it on a synth with the Arp function.

If you combine it with Reaktor's rhythm generator, you will get a nice ambient feeling.



  1. FL Than:

    No, this is fun
    Phrase can be created more and more just by touching it while matching it with omnisphere's ARP.


    The song in the video with Reaktor's rhythm generator is good!
    It seems to be used in puzzle games on iOS.

    • yosi Than:

      Oh Transition is good!
      I haven't used it recently, so I'll use it again!
      I've been pushing for a while, but there isn't much demand.
      Hmmm it's difficult.

      > The song in the video with Reaktor's rhythm generator is good!
      > It seems to be used in puzzle games on iOS.

      Thank you for your compliment! !!
      I will continue to devote myself to writing various things.
      thank you for your comment.

I copied the title and URL