[Free] Introducing Thenatan's 808 series base X-EIGHT (X-8) Lite

2021 10 18 02x35 22 Plugin

I thought I had already written an article, but I didn't write it, so I would like to introduce it now.

This article will be sent with the following contents.

・ Overview of Thenatan's X-EIGHT (X-8) Lite and how to download it
・ How to use Thenatan's X-EIGHT (X-8) Lite


Overview of Thenatan's X-EIGHT (X-8) Lite and how to download it

X-EIGHT (X-8) Lite is an 808-series bass sound source that is convenient for use in Traps.

Even though it's free, it has a large number of presets of 88, and it also supports glide.


After 1000 months of hard work to create over 2 presets for the X-Eight plugin, we have 80 presets and a free version with a simple interface with Glide, Attack / Release, High Pass Filter and Master Volume. I am happy to announce it.


How to download

Transit from the link below.


Enter "0" in place of "Enter your price:" and click "Add to cart"

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Enter your email address in "Email" and click "Continue".

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After that, an email with the following subject will be sent to the registered email address.

Thenatan Official Store order confirmation

There is "View your order" at the bottom of the text, so click it to move to the download page.

All you have to do is download and install it.

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To install, just put the DLL and the folder in the VST Plugin folder.

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How to use Thenatan's X-EIGHT (X-8) Lite

There is nothing special about how to use it, but if you don't understand Trap well, I think you should try using it with a plug-in such as Beatmaker HUSTLE.

The demo version can be used for 30 days, so I think it's a good idea to use it as a practice.

For example, if you play the pattern with HUSTLE and input the bass with X-EIGHT (X-8) Lite, it will be quite compatible.

Cymatics Diablo Lite is also compatible with the 808 series Bass.

You can easily create the feeling that Trap-specific Kick and Bass stick to the speaker.




This is pretty good for free.

Paid versionX-EIGHT 808It is good though it is cheap.

It is not possible to make detailed edits, but since it has more than 1000 presets, I think this is better for those who want to change presets and create songs.



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