[Free] Introducing Hot Potato, a unique distortion plug-in from Direkt Software

2023 03 08 02x42 44 Free plugin

Introducing Hot Potato, a unique distortion plug-in from Direkt Software

Today, I would like to introduce Direkt Softwar's unique distortion Hot Potato, which has just been released.

I think Direkt Software is a new developer.

Web PageThere is also, but Hot Potato seems to be the first release.


Sound demo

No presets.

It is characterized by the distortion of low frequencies.

I applied it to the drum and changed the parameters.

I multiplied it with a sine wave.



Hot Potato is a unique plug-in with an innovative distortion algorithm that lets you squash, squash, and distort your sound with just six knobs.

Hot Potato's power is limitless, turning a pure sine wave into a crunchy bass, transforming guitars and vocals into completely different and unique sounds.




You can download it without registration.

Go to the above link and click "Download Now".

2023 03 08 02x33 43

It's in the "Name your own price" format, so enter the amount if you support it.

If you want to use it for free, click "No thanks, just take mi to the downloads".

2023 03 08 02x34 25

Click the link to start the download.


After downloading, put "Hot Potato.vst3" in the following Path.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3



It's simple, but the type of distortion is quite different and interesting.

It sounded pretty good when applied to a sine wave, so it might be good to apply it to an 808 bass and adjust it.

This is a developer that I would like to keep an eye on in the future.

Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL