[Free] TB Pro Audio releases saturation plug-in GSatPlus

2021 06 03 02x03 07 News

[Free] TB Pro Audio releases saturation plug-in GSatPlus

TBProAudio has released the saturation plug-in GSatPlus.

It is wonderful.

You can get various variations of saturation.

And the basic functionality is really great.

First of all, In and Out are independent Gain, Celing, OverSampling, Bypass, Resize.

Also, the hint function by tooltip (On / Off is possible) is also good.

It's amazing that this is free.

Let's get this.

A little on the guitarBoogexI tried to hang it with.



GSat + is TB Pro Audio CS5501V2Derived from the channel strip plugin's saturation module, it adds features requested and suggested by the Gearspace.com team.It features several different saturation modes, high tuning capabilities, oversampling, old-fashioned VU meters, and cross-platform software compatibility.There's also a button to go directly to Gearspace.com if you need tips, tricks, inspiration, or want to exchange presets with others.


Chillout with Beat


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