Create your own effects with Reaktor BLOCKS XNUMX

2020 06 07 16h05 38 1 Ntive Instruments

Create your own effects with Reaktor BLOCKS XNUMX

I'm yosi, the maintainer of Chillout with Beats.

This is the second time to create an effect with Reaktor BLOCKS.

This time, I will add an LFO to the effect I made last time and modulate it.

The point is to try to change the parameters depending on the LFO.

When you use an LFO, the sound changes drastically, so the degree of transformation increases.

If you like metamorphic sounds, this is a must.

Click here for previous article

After reading this article, you will understand the following:

-How to add an LFO with Reaktor BLOCKS
・ Modulation method using LFO

The completed form is as follows.

I also change the filter pitch with MIDI.


Add an LFO with Reaktor BLOCKS

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Double-click "Library"-> "Blocks Primes"-> "Rounds"-> "MOD-Rounds-LFO.ism" twice. (Add two)

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The "Rounds" LFO is excellent and you can sync BPM without doing anything.

How to modulate with Reaktor BLOCKS

In the case of "Reaktor BLOCKS", the modulation method is slightly different from other modular systems.

Each module has inputs for A and B modulation.

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Enter a modulated source such as an LFO here.

We have prepared two LFOs this time, so let's connect them to "A" of "Filter" and "Drive" respectively.

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Since you typed in "A", clicking "A" on the module will bring up a bar where you can adjust the amount of modulation.

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You can set the amount of modulation by dragging this bar up or down.

The range of movement is determined by the balance between the LFO settings and this bar.

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In UNI, 0 moves in the + direction as the lowest value, and in BI, it moves in the + and-directions around 0.

It's the basis of modulation, so if you don't understand how this works, make sure you understand it. (Most synths have the same mechanism)

If you use "Block Base"-> "Util"-> "Scope", the waveform will be displayed, so it will be easier to understand.

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After that, please try various things.

Synchronize to BPM

This is very easy.

Simply click on the "FREE" part of the LFO and it will change to "GATE" and "HOST", so set it to "HOST".

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"GATE" synchronizes with the input of "GATE" to determine the speed of the LFO.

Instead of using "GATE" as a trigger, use it as a crop for tempo synchronization.

"FREE" moves the LFO at the displayed hertz.


Use the LFO as a sidechain

The LFO can also be used as a sidechain.

"Driver" has a sidechain input, so let's use it.

Simply connect the LFO to the input in the sidechain.

In the video, the LFO is modulated by the LFO to dynamically change the speed of the LFO.

Create your own effects with Reaktor BLOCKS XNUMX Summary

You can easily make a metamorphic sound with an LFO.

Even if there is a complicated sound, there are many cases where I don't do much about what I'm doing.

The simpler it is, the deeper it is, so you have to avoid being fooled by the flashy sound and appearance.

Next time, I will explain the part that changes the pitch of the Filter with MIDI, which I have not touched on this time.


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