[Free] Z3-AudioLab semi-modular effect Bondage introduction (Win32bit only)

2023 03 07 04x09 40 Free plugin

Z3-AudioLab semi-modular effect Bondage introduction (Win32bit only)

I will continue to introduce Z3-AudioLab's plug-ins today.

Most of Z3-AudioLab's plug-ins were released in 2014 or 2015.

I can't help but wonder what kind of plug-ins I would have created if I was still active.

Today I'd like to introduce you to Bondage, a semi-modular effect.

It can be wired like a modular, so it has a high degree of freedom.

I'm a 2bit VST32 user, but since FL Studio bridges 32bit plug-ins, I can use it normally.

If you are using other DAWs, you will have to payjBridge,DDMF Bridgewizeallows 32bit plugins to work with 64bit DAWs.

Sound demo

I tried playing the preset.

There are many presets that sound strange, but you can easily play around with normal effects.

I edited it a little.

I changed the filter sweep preset slightly, changed the sweep from 2 bars to 4 bars, and changed the routing so that the phaser was applied after the filter.

It's really fun to edit because it has a lot of possibilities.



Bondage is a full module multi-effects VST plugin containing 17 modules. Besides 5 effect modules, it features 5 modulation sources, a MIDI In module, 4 modifiers, an X-fade module, a 4-channel mixer and a scope for visual reference of the signal.

The fully modular construction allows for any routing you want.For complex routing, Bondage can hide all the cables so you can see the knobs again.

Like all Z3 Audiolabs products, all parameters are MIDI learnable and can be used in live performances by simply right-clicking on the controller and moving faders, buttons and knobs on your MIDI hardware controller.

Bondage comes with 32 carefully selected presets.


Easy to connect with MIDI controller. Just right-click on the parameter you want to set with your MIDI controller, move the controller of your choice, and you're done.
Fully modular.Just connect the source and target and everything is done on the fly.

Effects and modules

Filters: Offers 8 high quality filter types.
Ring: Can modulate the signal with 4 different waveforms
Phaser: 2 phaser modes
Delay/Looper: Delay can be used as classic delay or looper
Pitch: A granular pitch shifter that can be used for a variety of effects, not just pitch changes.
Modulation: Various modulation modules for modulating effects, and a MIDI module for controlling parameters via MIDI
Modifiers: various modifier modules to modify any signal
Scope: To have an optical reference of the signal.

System requirements

Computer Pentium 4 or higher/AMD with SSE, 2GHz, 1GB RAM, Windows XP or higher
is the host. VST-compatible 32-bit (64-bit with vst bridge or j bridge) host software – tested and known to work with many DAWs including FL Studio, Cubase, Live, Renoise and more.



The official release has ended.

As an alternative, you can download it from plugins4free.

I think it's more gray than black, so please do so at your own risk.

After transitioning from the above link and scrolling to the bottom, there is a download link, so clicking it will start the download.

2023 03 30 19x42 38


Even if you put it in the same folder as 64bit, it will be recognized, but I think it is better to separate the 32bit and 64bit versions.

Since FL Studio has the following path by default, put the file "Dizztroy v.2.dll" that is unzipped in the following.

If there is no "Vstplugins" folder, I think it would be easier to create a new folder than add Path.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Vstplugins


It's made really well.

If you understand how modulars and synths work, you will intuitively understand how to use it.

I haven't had any problems using it and haven't had any issues with it.

I believe it has been thoroughly tested and released.

I feel a little lonely that he was a really great developer.

Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL