[Free] Cherry Audio Voltage Modular Nucleus is free

2020 03 18 13x22 23 News

[Free] Cherry Audio Voltage Modular Nucleus is free

I'm yosi, the caretaker of Chillout with Beats.

Cherry Audio Voltage Modular Nucleus is free in response to the COVID-19 epidemic.

If you are interested in virtual modular and missed it during the previous free distribution, please get it.

Dear synthesis

We are all affected by the COVID-19 epidemic and, like you, stay at home to ensure the safety of your family and loved ones.We want to do our part.

We're starting right away and in the near future we're offering Voltage Modular Nucleus to everyone for free. A complete modular synthesis package with 22 modules and over 130 presets for OS X and Windows.

Learn how to stay home, stay safe, make music, and master modular synthesis.We all get over this together.

-Cherry audio

PS The community is important.Visit forums and Facebook user groups to share your work, ask questions, exchange patches, and help each other learn.

Account registration required

I have written various articles about Cherry Audio Voltage Modular Nucleus, so if you have one, please check it out.


I copied the title and URL