[Free] Introduction of BassDrive, an effective drive effect for Airwindows bass

2024 03 06 11x51 57 Free plugin

Introducing BassDrive, an effective drive effect for Airwindows bass

Today I would like to introduce BassDrive, a drive effect that is a little old but is great for use with electric basses.

It's lightweight and easy to use, so it's a good plug-in to try if you think the bass sound is a bit off.

BassDrive sound demo

I tried playing it on EZBass.

Gain matched.


Overview of BassDrive


So, here are some memories from the past...

There was a plug-in called BassDrive that was my secret weapon. It was different from the Airwindows plugin, and was powered by a painstakingly hard-coded biquad filter code that I looked up on an online calculator. But it was different from anyone else's plug-in because it made heavy use of Airwindows' overdrive. The controls seemed to be referring to normal EQs like "bass, mid, treble", but that wasn't the case, just weird bands being voiced in weird ways.

This is because Airwindows' way of trying to imitate SansAmp Bass DI was eccentric. This is the RBI version, which is not a pedal type, but a rack mount type.

The weird thing is, I ended up not liking it (I ended up liking the pedal-style VT Bass more), but before I got rid of it, I shaped a biquad filter into its voicing. But then I implemented it in a weird way (note the intense notch on the 10K!) and pushed it into even more overdrive. So it's kind of like SansAmp RBI, but it's completely different.

Then, I started hearing that this can be used for bass guitar as well, but that it's also a secret weapon for heavy guitar sounds...

This was truly a "secret weapon" plug-in. It's a blast from the past, now available in VST for Mac, Windows, and Linux. I know he's eccentric, but that's kind of the point. I am now



OS 32bit 64bit
mac AU, VST2 AU, VST2
Win Vst2 Vst2

Download BassDrive

You can download it without registration.

Go to the link above and click "BassDrive.zip(381k)".

This will start the download.

Installing BassDrive

To install Win, put "BassDrive64.dllll" into the VST2 folder in the unzipped folder.

Most VST2 folders are one of the following:

C:Program FilesVSTPlugIns
C \ Program Files \ Steinberg \ VST Plugins
C \ Program Files \ Steinberg \ Cubase \ VSTPlugins
C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST2
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\VST2

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