[Free] Bass Amp release for bass plug-in on Airwindows

2020 11 09 18x17 08 Plugin

[Free] Bass Amp release for bass plug-in on Airwindows

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

This is also a recommended developer.

He is an uncle who keeps making free plug-ins at a fairly high pace with a commitment not to make GUI at all.

The unique atmosphere becomes a little addictive.

It's just a direct download, so I'd like it to support SSL.

And this is Bass Amp, which goes well with Srum.

I think that Bass such as Dubstep has a lot of metallic sounds, but you can easily adjust the treble.

However, strange noise will continue to sound in the Mid part, so it is better to stop it with a Gate or the like.

The download is confusing, but just below the title.

2020 11 09 18x00 26

We are looking for patronage, so if you like it after using it in various ways, please support it.

I am writing an article about Patronage here, so if you are interested, please do.


This is Bass Amp.I've been asked for an amp simulator plug-in, so I started it).I used to experiment with some of these things, but I've always been interested in physical hardware wiring, especially guitar distortion.I've been up to date in several ways, such as debugging problems with the "dub" channel and using the latest techniques for dithering to floating point buses.

Basically a bright channel, a midrange (just dry as a slider), a bass channel with a characteristic wooly tone, a bass channel with a small amount of treble and a blurry noise like noise, and it really doesn't work. There is a'sub'channel, so use it as a crazy special effect. BassKit may give you a cleaner sub-octave, but it also makes a single note line almost dust-like sub-octave.So I think it will be left alone.

We are also working on a new EQ.For the Matrix reverb technique (in the live stream!), I've also fixed all the Biquad filters to have a simple dry / wet control at the end. The problem with ClipOnly was that when using VST on a 64-bit wide audio bus, ClipOnly would only cover the 64-bit floating point bus instead of 32-bit wide.I found and fixed this issue, so if you like to stick to conceptual details, please re-download it here. ClipOnly.zip

This is all supported by Patreon.As I said in the video, if you're in trouble, quit Patreon and I promise you'll be fine.At least I think it's okay to rest and sleep: I'm really tired for some reason.But Patreon can be anything, but I'm still working on a lot of things, I've been doing a lot of live music streams these days, and if I stop jamming (or before I start jamming), the tech and plugins I'm also able to answer questions about, so it's a bit available.



I copied the title and URL