[Free] Introducing Pauli Pölkki's Wave Shaping Synth Wave Manuel

2022 07 29 04x25 25 Free plugin

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Introducing Pauli Pölkki's Wave Shaping Synth Wave Manuel

Today I would like to introduce Pauli Pölkki's Wave Manuel.

Even if you don't understand this synth edit well, the sound will change easily, so I think it will be fun to edit.

It's great because you can edit it intuitively.

I tried to ring it.

It's really easy to edit.

Reverb is also good.



What is Wave Manuel?
Wave Manuel is a free wave shaping synthesizer plug-in, available in VST and Audio Unit formats.Would you like to experience a wave in stereo that no one has ever experienced?

Wave Manuel Essence
At the heart of Wave Manuel is a unique variable shape oscillator with three parameters. A unique variable shape oscillator with three parameters: "symmetry", "saturation", and "shaping".You can generate classic analog-style waveforms (triangles, saws, pulses), as well as intermediate and higher waveforms.

Each oscillator parameter has its own envelope and LFO for animating the shape.The attack, decay, and release of the envelope can be curve-controlled to create the proper state. The LFO can be used in stereo with a 180 degree phase offset, so create an ultra-wide sound!

You can further shape the sound with filtering and frequency modulation.

Where can I get Wave Manuel?
The download links for Windows and Mac are below.It's free, so try all the sounds you can with Wave Manuel right now.

Who makes this?
Wave Manuel was designed and designed by Pauli Pölkki.His love of sound, geometry and coding gave birth to this synthesizer.

A great group of audiophiles helped the process to maximize the potential of Wave Manuel.

Wave Manuel runs on the iPlug2 framework.

Does Wave Manuel suit you?
There is only one way to know it

If you find Wave Manuel useful or interesting, consider donating.Is it worth 10 euros for you?Thank you.

And tell your friends


You can download it without registration.

Transition from the above link and click the link that suits your environment to download.

2023 02 09 13x10 13


In the case of Win, when you unzip it, the file "WaveManuel.vst3" is included, so if you put it in the following path, the installation is completed.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3



I was surprised to hear a nice sound that was a little contrary to the appearance.

Moreover, it is easy to edit.

I'm sure you've never seen a synth that's so easy to edit and use.

Pauli Pölkki I'm looking forward to the future as this plugin seems to be the first release.





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I copied the title and URL