[Free] Introducing Cymatics' Lo-Fi plug-in MEMORY, which you can't believe is free.

2023 12 07 13x44 10 Free plugin

Introducing MEMORY, a Lo-Fi plug-in that makes the pitch of Cymatics pleasantly fluctuate

Cymatics has released a new free plugin!

The previous Cymatics Deja Vu was a really great plugin that you wouldn't think was free.

This time too, it's so amazing that I can't believe it's free.
(There is actually a similar plugin, but it is paid)


Sound demo

I tried playing the preset.

Wow, that's wonderful.

It has the same or better functionality than paid plugins.



Uncovering the nostalgia hidden in every audio signal
Introducing Memory: A plugin that seamlessly blends past and present.

Memory depicts subtle imperfections in your audio, conveying a sense of nostalgia.

An unpredictable kaleidoscope of chorus and vibrato... this plug-in sends any audio signal into an endless labyrinth of feeling and emotion.

This plugin completely changes the DNA of any sound through random pitch modulation, allowing your ideas to stray from the usual path.

Try it for guitars, pianos, synths, horns, and any other audio you want to create unique and memorable sounds.

What can you do with Memory?
This plugin transforms your sound with analog-style chorus and vibrato parameters and random pitch modulation.

You have full control over the fate of your sound and choose what direction you want your music to take.

Instantly create effects like subtle imperfections like a dusty old tape machine or unpredictable warp sounds.

Overall, it's perfect if you want to add overwhelming nostalgia and dreamy sounds to your music.

How exactly does Memory work?
Memory is a BBD delay model modulated by a carefully tuned pseudo-random source to mimic the unique sound of analog tape.

The Depth parameter controls the strength of the random modulation applied to the pitch of the signal.

The Rate parameter controls the temporal distance between random pitch fluctuations.

The adjustable Noise parameter injects any amount of analog noise into the signal.

The Filter knob controls the influence of the input audio on the envelope-following low-pass filter's cutoff frequency.



You must register your email and name to download.

Go to the above link and click "Free Download"

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Enter your name and email address, check the checkbox, and click "Download Now"

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A button will be displayed for each OS, so click on the appropriate one to start downloading.

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When you unzip the downloaded file, an installer will appear, so you can just install it as is.

By default, AAX will also be included, so uncheck it if you don't need it (if you don't use ProTools).

2023 12 08 03x44 09


Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL