DTM Tools

2020 10 11 01x45 06 DTM

[Free] Introducing AudioGridder, a system that can load balance DAWs

[Free] I'm yosi, the introduction manager of AudioGridder, a system that can load balance DAWs.I don't think there's much demand for it, but I'm curious, so I gave it a try. What is AudioGridder? By running VST on other PCs (servers) on the network,...
2020 08 29 17x12 15 DTM

[Free] Introducing Key Finder, an app that lets you know the keys of songs and loops

[Free] This is yosi, the introduction manager of KeyFinder, an app that lets you know the keys of songs and loops.What is the key when matching loops?Isn't there time?It is an introduction of the application KeyFinder that is convenient in such a case.It's not perfect, but I think it's a useful tool for those who are not good at copying by ear.
2020 06 28 01x25 24 DTM

[Free] Introducing Master Ears, a tool for ear training

[Free] I'm yosi, the introduction manager of MasterEars, a tool for ear training.Today I would like to introduce MasterEars, a tool that is a little different than usual. MasterEars allows you to train your ears like a game of applying boosted or cut frequencies.
2019 07 24 09x35 43 DTM

How to use SynthTec WaveEdit that you can make your own WaveTable 1

How to use SynthTec WaveEdit, which allows you to create your own wavetable (WaveTable) 1 I'm yosi. I was wondering if I could make a WaveTable, and I found out that I could, so here's an introduction. Software for making your own WaveTable...