[Free] Introducing PseudoStereo's compression plug-in Compressor Classic OLD

2023 03 31 22x04 13 Free plugin

Introducing Compressor Classic OLD, a comp plug-in from PseudoStereo

Today I would like to introduce PseudoStereo's plug-in.

Compressor Classic OLD was probably released for ProTools beforeChandler EMI TG12413I think that it is based on.

Introduced beforeCompressor Classic OLD 2MThe parameters are similar, but if you try it with phase inversion, it will not match perfectly, so it seems that some internal processing is different.

The Compressor Classic OLD has the advantage of being simpler and easier to use, so I think you can use it properly.


Sound demo

I moved the parameters appropriately and made a video.

It is very easy to use because there are few knobs to use and you can hear the change in the sound immediately.

Gain match.

The "CLASSIC OLD" button changes the color of the GUI, but there was no change in the sound.
(Confirmed by phase reversal)




audio mixing plugin
It is a dynamic processing unit that is very easy to configure.



You can download it without registration.

Transition from the above link and click "Show more" in the comment

2023 03 31 09x53 39

Click the link for the OS you want to summarize.
(Usually at the top for basic Win)

2023 03 31 09x54 12

Click the download button on the upper right to move to GoogleDrive.

2023 03 28 01x53 42

This will start the download.


When you unzip the downloaded file, VST2 version and VST3 version are stored.

Most people unzip the VST3 version (Compression Classic OLD_v 1,0_WIN_VST3 x64 (Yuri Semenov).zip).

Put only the "Compression Classic OLD" folder inside into the following VST3 folder.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3

No presets this time.



Mr. PseudoStereo, every plug-in is wonderful.

The GUI is also cool, but I think it's important not to make too much, and the GPU load is low.

This developer is also very much looking forward to the future, so when a new work comes out, I will take it up as soon as possible.


I copied the title and URL