How to use Orca Explanation of Pilot Part XNUMX

2019 11 12 23x34 15 DTM

How to use Orca Explanation of Pilot Part XNUMX

I'm yosi, the administrator of Chillout with Beats.

Operators are in the middle, but it is better to explain Pilot first, so I will do it first.

In addition to changing the tone and ADSR with Pilot, you can set the master effect.

I will explain the following change method in two parts.

How to change the Synth tone (this article)
How to change ADSR (this article)
Types of master effects (next article)
How to set the master effect (next article)

Pilot overview

The Pilot has 16 channels (16-tone poly) and 8 master effects.

The Pilot screen has the following meanings.

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How to change the Synth tone of Pilot

Pilot basic settings

How to change the tone with Pilot, but first from the basic settings

If the basic input format of Pilot is "02C9"

A 0 octave C on channel 2 means a length of 9/15 with a velocity of 1 (maximum 16).

Number of digits role 範 囲
XNUMXst digit Channel 0-f
XNUMXnd digit octave 0 to 9
XNUMXrd digit Scale C to B semitones are lowercase
Or C to I is also possible
XNUMXth digit Velocity
(Optional [default value is 64])
XNUMXth digit Note length
(Optional [default value is 1/16])

The range of the third digit scale is supplemented a little.

Lowercase c is C #.

A and B are also La and Shi in H and I.

I don't know about the velocity of the 4th digit and the note length of the 5th digit because they are not displayed in Pilot, but the range of acceptance is from 0 to f. (0-15)

Synth tone parameters

For the tone, enter the tone setting parameters after the ";" in the same way as the basic settings.

In the following example, OSC0 of channel 1 specifies sq, and OSC2 also specifies sq.

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The parameters that can be specified by specifying the tone are as follows.

Number of digits role 範 囲
XNUMXst digit Channel 0-f
4nd-XNUMXth digits Tone specification CSO
5th to 6th digits OSC1 tone specification si, 2i, 4i, 8i, tr, 2r, 4r, 8r, sq, 2q, 4q 8q, sw, 2w, 4w, 8w
7th to 8th digits OSC2 tone specification Ibid.


How to change the ADSR of Pilot

ADSR parameters

For the tone, enter the tone setting parameters after the ";" in the same way as the basic settings.

In the example below, 0 channel envelope, attack is 0, decay is 5, sustain is 0, and release is F.

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Number of digits role 範 囲
XNUMXst digit Channel 0-f
4nd-XNUMXth digits ADSR specification EPS
5th digit ア タ ッ ク 0-f
6th digit decay Ibid.
7th digit Sustain Ibid.
8th digit release Ibid.

How to use Orca Explanation of Pilot Part XNUMX Summary

If you know this area, you can change the tone, so there will be variations in the sound output.

Next, I will explain the master effect.




Chillout with Beat


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