[Free] Introduction of AI technology-based plug-in Neutone equipped with various models

2023 07 24 13x33 08 Free plugin

Introduction of AI technology-based plug-in Neutone with various models

I found some great plugins.

This "Neutone" is one plug-in, but it contains more than 1 AI-based models, which can be switched within the plug-in.

However, many of them transform the sound introduced before.DDSP-VST, and the model is different for each timbre, so the number is large.

The precision to transform isDDSP-VSTI think that is better.

What should be noted in "Neutone" is "DemucsStemSeparation" which can separate Mix into STEM.

There are various STEM conversions, but I don't think there were any free plug-ins.


Sound demo

In the sound demo, I played "DemucsStemSeparation".

"DemucsStemSeparation" separates the mix into vocals, bass, drums and others.

Since each volume is assigned to a knob, it is possible to play only one of them, lower the volume of only the bass, or just the drum and bass.

Click "use" to use "DemucsStemSeparation".

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It will take some time (several seconds) to load, so wait.

The assignment of each knob changes the volume as follows.

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 Dry first and then wet.

Also, RAVEMultiVox is a model that can make quite strange sounds.

Any sound can be converted into a human-speaking sound.

It's faster if you watch the video.

Dry first and then wet.

It feels like you are casting a spell.




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Click here for product documentation

v1.4.0 was released on July 2023, 07 for Windows and MacOS.
Two new models RAVEMultiVox and Demucs.StemSeparation
Optimizing backend processing
Significantly reduced playback delay
Fixed latency compensation reported to DAW
Fixed minor behavior and performance issues
Gain parameters are now updated with model default values ​​when loading a local model
Dry audio is now audible if no model is loaded
Improved packaging and distribution of WebView dependencies on Windows

Information pages accessible from the documentation page of


OS 32bit 64bit
mac x VST3, AU, Standalone
Win x VST3, Standalone


You can download it without registration.

Go to the link above and click the appropriate OS to start downloading.

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Since it is an installer, if you run it as it is and proceed along the flow, it will be installed.

FL Studio user notes

FL Studio crashed unless "Use fixed size buffers" was enabled.

If you have the same problem, please try the following settings.

The setting is enabled by clicking "Use fixed size buffers" in "Troubleshooting" from the gear icon of the plugin.

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It's pretty good.

It has been around for quite some time as a standalone, but it is very easy to use with a plug-in.

It's likely to increase in the future, so we'll keep an eye on trends.

Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL