[50% OFF] Melda Production's MDrum Replacer is on sale at half price ($ 10 until 17/82.50)

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It also explains how to use it, so if you are worried about replacing the drum, this is recommended.

It is recommended because you can change the Kick with a drum loop.

It comes in handy when the drum loop is cool but the Kick bass isn't enough, or when you don't like the Kick sound.

The following video shows how to replace Kick with Slicex.
(Details are explained in the article below)

If you want to change the Kick of the loop, FL Studio shows you how to do it with Slicex and how to use Frequency Splitter.

Besides MDrum ReplacerMAutoStereoFix,M Compare,Freeform EqualizerIs on sale at half price.


Not all hits are perfect, and not all drum takes are perfect.But with MDrum Replacer, drum recordings aren't gone forever.Whether your mic is in the wrong position or you don't like the entire drum set, MDrum Replacer will keep all your drum recordings from disappearing. MDrum Replacer will fix them in an instant.And your recording will sound incredibly lively.


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Chillout with Beat
