[2020 version] Free effects popular on overseas sites [KeroVee]

2020 01 15 23x26 04 Plugin

[2020 version] Free effects popular on overseas sites [KeroVee]

I'm yosi, the administrator of Chillout with Beats.

First of all, KeroVee is Win32bit only.

There are quite a few blogs that introduce plugins, but add some sounds!I think it violently. (Because of such dissatisfaction, almost all of this blog has sounds and videos)

The XNUMXth timeg200kgThis is KeroVee. (This is also Japanese)

It's also old, but it's still popular.

You can easily make a kerokero voice.

I thought about using it, but it's free and it's amazing.

Overview of KeroVee

There is a solid explanation in Japanese officially.

KeroVee is a pitch correction plugin. Since it is a VST effect, it is used in applications that support VST such as Cubase and Sonar.

The focus is on the so-called "auto-tune" effect (do you know what perfume is?), But the latest version of ver. 1.60 has also enhanced support for natural pitch correction.

There are two outputs that are transposed to the pitch correction output, and each can be mixed including the bypass of the original sound, so a chorus (a chorus that is different from the so-called Chorus effect and looks like an actual overlay) effect can be applied. increase.

Since it has a formant correction function, it can also be used to convert male voice <=> female voice.

-A SSE2-compatible CPU is required to run KeroVee.There is no problem with recent PCs.

・ If you just want to use it as a voice changer, it's a sister product.RoVeeThere is also

・ Please refer to this article when using KeroVee with Audacity.

Demo sound source of KeroVee

It is amazing.

You can easily create a kerokero voice just by passing it through, and it can also be controlled by MIDI.

If you control it with MIDI, you can make it look like this.

[2020 version] Free effects popular on overseas sites [KeroVee] Summary

It's only 32bit, but it's no wonder it's popular.

You can easily make a kerokero voice and you can also make a harmony.
(Start multiple and send MIDI respectively)

However, FL Studio, which can be used without worrying about 32bit, is really wonderful.

If you buy a bridge in another DAW (it's about 2 yen), you can use it, so if you don't want to spend money, it's cheaper to buy a bridge.

I want a bridge for Maschine, so maybe I'll write an article about that. (Is there demand?)


I copied the title and URL