AD049 ENSO released on Audio Damage

2019 03 12 16x50 07 DTM


This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

I'm a developer I personally like, and when I tried to update Youtube for the first time in a while, it seems that a new product came out.

And to my surprise, a demo version is available.

What happened to the stubborn developers who haven't put up a demo version until now?

Recently, I think that fashion and discount battles are amazing.

Waves is probably the driving force behind it.Gold bundles used to exceed 10.
The reality is that it is now less than one-fifth.


There is a demo movie.Hmmm cool.

I always think that the design is cool.

2019 03 12 16x50 07

I tried the demo, but the sound is good. Tape, filter, chorus all sound good.But why isn't there resonance?I want resonance.

To be honest, I thought it would be good to have Gross Beat in the part where reverse is possible, but it is good to be able to freely change the speed while playing in reverse.And after all the sound is good.The sound of slowing down and fastening is pleasant.

See below for a simple operation.

2019 03 12 16h50 07 1

Also, wav can be read normally, so it is easy to use.It's positioned as an effect, but I think VSTi is fine. I don't think it works with Midi notes.

I prepared a demo sound source.

Well, I'm worried about buying it.

bought.And I wrote an article on how to use it, so please take a look.


It's been a long time ago, and there is only a developer who has a good reputation for sound, so it's just a word.

Price too$59.00 It's kind.


Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL