[Free] Introducing Panagement that can perform binaural panning processing of AuburnSounds

Free plugin

Introducing Panagement that can perform binaural panning processing of AuburnSounds

I haven't written an introduction article for this plugin yet, so I decided to write one.

AuburnSounds' plug-ins are of very high quality.

Also, the free plugin is supposed to be a limited version of the paid version, but it's great that most of the features can be used for free.

And the price of the FULL version is also very reasonable at $29.

The features included in the FULL version are as follows.

  • binaural delay: Enables simulation of distance in real time, creating a deeper sense of space.
  • PGMT-400 chip model: Provides unique spatial effects and adds unique character to your mixes.
  • LFO modulation: Automate dynamic panning, volume, and reverb changes to add movement to your music.

Sound demo

I tried the presets.


I compared the difference with Pan.

I edited it a little.



Panagement is a spatialization lab installed in thousands of studios around the world. Panagement gives your stereo tracks raw power.

Binaural distance panner allows you to place tracks anywhere in the sound field,
Reverb improves the realism of distance modeling by automatically generating early and late reflections.
Width and Tilt bring unexpected resolution to your mix,
LFOs dramatically expand the possibilities (e.g. ducking reverb),
Binaural delay enables more complex spatial expressions,
Comes with the popular PGMT-400 chip MOD.
With uniquely integrated delay, reverb, and binaural processing, Panagement pushes the boundaries of practical teleportation.

this is freemium

Panagement FREE includes everything except Delay and PGMT-400 chip.
Panagement FULL includes everything.


Panagement's algorithmic reverb is sparse, as opposed to more diffuse than reality. This allows it to easily fit into your mix even on your master bath, saving you valuable headroom. Panagement is realistic by default and then allows for unnatural customization.

quality control
Panagement is the Abbey of Auburn Sounds and has been refined to the next level of attention to detail.



OS 32bit 64bit


You can download it without registration.

Go to the above link and click "Free Edition" to start downloading.


Unzip the downloaded file, and since there is a folder for each OS inside, execute the installer that matches your environment.

Most people will be fine if they only install ST3.

There is also FLStudio's NativePlugin, but there is currently a problem with it, and parameter automation does not work properly.

I look forward to the next version.

[themoneytizer id = "118573-6"]
Free plugin
Chillout with Beat
