[Free] Introduction of Uhhyou pitch shift delay PitchShiftDelay

2023 03 05 01x23 18 Free plugin

Introducing Uhhyou's PitchShiftDelay

Today I would like to introduce Uhhyou's PitchShiftDelay.

It is the same Japanese developer (Mr. ryukau) who introduced FDN64Reverb and SyncSawSynth.


Sound demo

I tried playing the preset.

I played it on the piano.

It sounds pretty original.




PitchShiftDelay is a time domain pitch shifter with delay. 16x oversampling reduces the peculiarities of the pitch shifter.You can also change the internal buffer length in real time.There is no formant correction, so when used on a voice, it sounds like you are breathing helium.


You can download without registration.

Transition from the above link and click the link at the place where you scroll a little.

2023 03 04 22x51 52



I think that it is unnecessary because there is a Japanese explanation, but I will write it for the time being.

When you unzip it, the VST3 files are stored separately for each OS under "Contents".

It is OK if you store the files in the folder in the VST3 folder.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3



Presets also need to be installed.

There is an official explanation.

You can use it by placing the unzipped directory in the location determined for each OS.

  • Windows: /Users/$USERNAME/Documents/VST3 Presets/Uhhyou
  • Linux: $HOME/.vst3/presets/Uhhyou
  • macOS: /Users/$USERNAME/Library/Audio/Presets/Uhhyou

The name of the preset directory should be the same as the plugin. Uhhyou Create the directory if it does not exist.

For Win, explorer or Win + r If you enter the following in "Run with file name" displayed in , Path will open.

% USERPROFILE% \ Documents \ VST3 Presets \ Uhhyou

If you get an error, open the following without "Uhhyou" and put the "Uhhyou" folder that comes out after unzipping.

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\VST3 Presets\


It's easy to create amazing sounds.

If you write it out and read it with Loopmix etc., you can enjoy it in a different way.

afterParallel Detunehas also been released, so please check it out.







Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL