[Free] Introduction of noise gate ToneLib NoiseReducer with auto mode

2022 10 13 02x08 14 Free plugin

Introducing the Noise Gate ToneLib NoiseReducer with Auto Mode

Introducing the noise gate ToneLib NoiseReducer with auto mode.

ToneLib NoiseReducer has a plug-in version and a standalone version.

If you don't know how to set the noise gate well, Auto is convenient.

Sound demo

I added some noise to the bass and tried turning it on and off.



Powerful and simple, this plug-in adjusts a noise reduction rack effect consisting of two units, allowing you to easily remove all unwanted noise from your mix. TL NoiseReducer is designed to be simple and easy to use, perfectly adapting to the specific task you aim for.There is nothing superfluous in the controls of this plugin.Still feeling complicated? The Reducer Unit Auto-Mode and EasyGate Unit further simplify your workflow with this plugin, leaving you with just one knob each to adjust the sensitivity of your effects.

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This module simulates the image of the Studio Noise Gate rack effect.It's very easy to operate and gives you plenty of freedom to tweak it to your specific needs, whether you apply it to a guitar track, vocals, or something completely different.The machine works in both auto mode and manual mode.Switching to auto mode narrows all effect settings to a single threshold slider.

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Based on the NoiseGate guitar pedal, the EasyGate unit is specifically designed to respond primarily to the guitar's frequency range.As practice shows, one knob is often enough to set the gate effect, and this principle is also implemented in the EasyGate unit.For the dirtiest and most aggressive mixes, the unit features a hard mode that greatly increases the sensitivity of the effects compared to the standard operating mode.

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A frequency spectrum display allows you to track changes in detail as you work with the plug-in.By visualizing the input and output signals in real time, you can accurately track the changes you make as you adjust specific parameters.This feature makes working with sounds as visual as possible, revealing exactly what a particular parameter is doing in a frequency band.

System requirements

TL NoiseReducer comes in 64bit VST/VST3/AU/Standalone.

Compatible with the latest Windows and Mac OS.

Experimental native support for Ubuntu 16.04 or later.


You can download it without registration.

If you move from the above link and click the link of the corresponding OS, the download will start.

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For Win, both VST3 and VST2 are supported, so if you want to install VST2 as well, change the Path as necessary.

If you want to install only VST3, a selection screen will appear, so uncheck anything other than VST3.

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Most VST2 folders are one of the following:

C:Program FilesVSTPlugIns
C \ Program Files \ Steinberg \ VST Plugins
C \ Program Files \ Steinberg \ Cubase \ VSTPlugins
C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST2
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\VST2



I didn't try "EasyGate" this time, but I think you can get good results by using "EasyGate" for guitar because it is a gate that responds to the frequency of the guitar.

If you use the auto mode, all you have to do is adjust the "Threshold", so even those who have never used a noise gate can use it easily.

I felt that it would have been better if the spectrum analyzer could be hidden.
(It's a luxury story because it's free)

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I copied the title and URL