[Free] Introducing Strange Loops Audio's granular synth sound source gRainbow

2024 02 08 18x55 15 Free plugin

Introducing Strange Loops Audio's granular synth sound source gRainbow

Today we will be introducing the granular synth gRainbow.

To be honest, it's a pretty difficult plugin to use.

As you edit it, you will get sounds that cannot be produced with other plug-ins, so I would like to introduce it to you.

contrary to appearanceThis is for people who like very manic sounds.

Regarding editing, I think you can get better results by loading files like long songs.

If it's a short loop, the scale won't match.

Sound demo

I tried editing it and smoothing it out.

narcotic, reverbMTurbo Reverbdrum withPlaybeat 3I tried to adjust it together.



gRainbow was created to overcome the shortcomings of traditional granular synths.

Pitch variations in the input clip can create inharmonic tones, which is not always what you want. As a result, users often use short, single-pitch clips, limiting the synth to a single tone.

To get the correct pitch with MIDI input, you have to manually match the pitch to the input clip, which can be difficult and repetitive.

Pitch shifting is commonly done by time stretching, but shifting multiple octaves in either direction can introduce unwanted artifacts.

Instead, gRainbow can select longer, differently pitched audio clips (1) and automatically generate harmonics that match the MIDI input (2) and generate harmonics that are already close to the target pitch. to avoid excessive time stretching (3). Look!


Full MIDI range, polyphonic voicing

Fast and reliable pitch detection with Spotify's BasicPitch machine learning model

Simultaneous performance of up to 150 grains

Super customizable parameters that can be overridden on a per-note and per-generator basis

Grain envelope shape, slope, rate, and duration parameters

Spray and adjustment parameters for pitch, pan, and grain position

Play grains forward or backward

Option to synchronize rate parameters to host BPM

Option to play a reference tone for each note to help dial in pitch


Complete internal modulation and mapping system

Amplitude envelope and two additional envelope modulators

3 LFO modulators

4 macros

Preset load and save system that bundles audio samples into presets!


OS 32bit 64bit
mac x AU, VST3
Win x Vst3


You can download it without registration.

Transition from the link above and click the link for the relevant OS from "Assets".

2024 02 08 16x22 16


When you unzip the downloaded file, the installer will be included, so you can run it and install it by default.


Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL